Welcome to Woodbridge Valley!

Your perfect neighborhood for family, fun, and the future

Learn about WVICA

A Thriving Community

The Woodbridge Valley Improvement and Civic Association (WVICA) is a recognized IRS 501(c)4 non-profit organization dedicated to serving our community by promoting the safety, common good, and social welfare of Woodbridge Valley residents. We strive to build community, preserve and beautify our neighborhood, and provide services of value to the community.

A Covenant-controlled Community

Diverse Neighborhood


Our Hardworking Team

Tina Brown

The President leads the board and the community with integrity, setting the direction and goals for the HOA. They preside over meetings, guiding discussions, and decisions with a focus on the well-being of the community.

Nicole Smoot

Stepping in when the President is unavailable, the Vice President supports the board's initiatives and takes on special projects. They are a key player in the execution of the association's strategies and policies.

Greg Meckes

The Treasurer is the association's financial steward, managing budgets and financial planning. They keep a detailed record of transactions and report on the financial health of the association to the board and residents.

Carla Jones

The Secretary is the chief record-keeper of the association, responsible for documenting meetings and maintaining essential records. They ensure that all official documentation is accurate, up to date, and accessible.


Our Wonderful Committees

Covenants Committe

Charles Springer

IT Committee

Greg Meckes

Social Committee

Benjamin Miller, Jr Nicole Smoot
Jessica Hayes
Theodore King

Welcoming Committee

Deborah Ball


No, we are a neighborhood Improvement and Civic Association. Membership is voluntary. If you choose to join membership is only $25 a year!

The WVICA fiscal year is July - June. We generally focus our membership drive in the fall but feel free to log into the member portal to see if you have an open invoice for dues. Your dues will be applied to the fiscal year in which they are paid.

While the pool is located in Woodbridge Valley area they are a separate entity. You can learn more about them at https://woodbridgevalleypool.membersplash.com/


Contact Us


P.O. Box 3197 Catonsville, MD 21228

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