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Apply Fees

RunHOA’s “Apply Fees” feature allows for the efficient billing of dues and special assessments to homeowners. This tool helps manage the financial obligations of HOA members by ensuring timely and accurate fee application.

  1. Click ‘Apply Fees’ in the HOA Dues section to begin.
  2. Choose the fee category to be applied from the ‘Select Fee‘ dropdown.
  3. Select individual units or ‘Select All’ to apply the fee to multiple units.
  4. Click ‘Apply Fee‘ to process.

Before Due Date:

  • Fees are applied with any applicable early payment discounts.

After Due Date:

  • Discounts are no longer applied, and any unfulfilled discounts are removed from the dues log.

After Late Date:

  • Late fees are added to any outstanding dues for the units selected.


  • Fees can only be applied once to each unit.
  • Only units with active owners will be allowed to be selected.
  • Ensure to re-run the process for units with unpaid dues to apply late fees if needed.

Once fees are applied, invoices are generated and recorded in the dues log for the administrator, and also viewable in the individual member portal.

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